What I do
I have more than 10 year's experience building hardware/software. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and project portfolio.
Electronics is my main focus. I started soldering my own circuits at just 9 years of age! Nowadays I enjoy prototyping custom PCBs and developing custom equipment. I work on anything from PLCs to fire alarms systems.
Radio Communications
Back in 2018 I started working with the Amateur Radio Relay Group who runs an amateur radio repeater system here in Oregon. I'm now one of the technicians and an active board member. Mainly trained to work with Motorola repeaters/mobile equipment.
Server Administrator
I have experience with Windows Server 2019 Edition and Ubuntu Linux. I run my own server from home to handle interfacing software to serial connections for EAS data along with data collection/visualization.
PLC Programming/Installation
I have experience with the Koyo CLICK PLC series and programming in ladder logic. I am currently looking to broaden my experience with different bands of PLCs.
I started YouTube back in 2013 and have gained a following of over 1000 subscribers. I create videos about my projects and explain in depth about how they function and the steps it took to create them.
Python is the main language I program in. I have experience with creating bots for the Discord platform. I have also developed programs for interfacing to LED signage, emergency alert system equipment, FEMA IPAWS, weather APIs, and phone systems among other things.
Web Development
I have experience creating in HTML5 and CSS. I have integrated PHP web dashboards into some of my projects. I am currently in the process of learning JavaScript. This website was also created by me.
CAD (Computer Aided Design)
I joined the 3D printing community around 2018 when I built my own home built 3D printer. I enjoy making models in my 3D design software Fusion360 however, I have a limited amount of experience with Fusion360 and am still learning.
Latest Blog Posts

Why the Elgato Stream Deck is so useful!
Why would a non-streamer like me use an Elgato Stream Deck? Here is some useful things I have been able to do and how I set up the Stream Deck to do these things.

Interfacing to my Betabrite LED Sign
In February I bought a Betabrite LED Sign (AKA a ticker) for $50 off eBay without any of its accessories. I had wanted to get one for a few years after seeing similar models in store windows, at my local 911 dispatch center and at broadcast stations/studios...

Telemetry Monitoring System
Over the past few months, I have realized how inconvenient it is to view the statistics of my server over time. When I'm at home, I was using HWinfo remote to monitor my servers. This was really inconvenient because I couldn't use this remotely on my phone...