A Technical Blog About Projects And Life

ADS-WS1 Weather Station
In January I received an ADS-WS1 weather station from Argent Data Systems for my birthday. I ended up writing my own scripts to parse and view the data. I also serve the data to an API that I can use with other projects and applications.

Why the Elgato Stream Deck is so useful!
Why would a non-streamer like me use an Elgato Stream Deck? Here is some useful things I have been able to do and how I set up the Stream Deck to do these things.

Interfacing to my Betabrite LED Sign
In February I bought a Betabrite LED Sign (AKA a ticker) for $50 off eBay without any of its accessories. I had wanted to get one for a few years after seeing similar models in store windows, at my local 911 dispatch center and at broadcast stations/studios...

Telemetry Monitoring System
Over the past few months, I have realized how inconvenient it is to view the statistics of my server over time. When I'm at home, I was using HWinfo remote to monitor my servers. This was really inconvenient because I couldn't use this remotely on my phone...